How to deal with Covid-19 in a scientific and holistic way
Happy to inform you that we can easily protect our self from covid-19 in a scientific and holistic way
Let it be clear that to have Good Health we must always take responsibility in our own hands. Remember we have an immune system yes our own immune system to protect us against sick making pathogens like Covid-19. We only need to make sure that the immune system functions in its own proper way.
Know one thing: viruses do not kill us it is the overreaction of our bodies own immune system that destroys our cell tissues. This happens when the immune system is compromised.
How can we make the immune system function well ?
1. Take Vitamin A (dark leafy vegetables yellow fruits)
2. Take Vitamin D (suryanamaskara egg) take Vitamine C and Zinc.
3. Eat one Raw onion a day
4. Avoid sugar and chemical alternatives
5. Drink enough water
6. Do Pranayama
7. Do Yoga Asanas or other physical excercise
8. Meditate / Rest well
9. Socialize meet friends and the people you love
Science tells us that our body consist of 6 Trillion cells 60 Trillion bacteria and 360 Trillion Viruses and a small number of Fungi. This means that viruses have been in our human body since the beginning of humanity. They are integrated in our body system and part of our immune system. Why is it that we suddenly have to see so much fear for something so natural ?
A growing number of scientists and health workers belief that this fear is created by the pharmaceutical companies to become more profitable by selling mandatory vaccines to 7 billion people.
Please see the videos that give more clarification.
How does the immune system works
Old Knowledge
We have an Innate Immune system and an Adaptive Immune system. The 100 year old two compartment system.
New Knowledge (based on scientific research)
Modern Knowledge says we have a 6 interconnected compartment system that make out the Immune System.
We have an Innate Immune system an Adaptive immune system and in between them is the Interferon System. All 3 stand in contact with our Microbion (60 Trillion bacteria) and our Virome (380 Trillion viruses) and our Neuromuscular system. When a Pathogen enters the body its first contact is the innate system which than activates the Interferon system which than activates the adaptive system. The interferon System up-regulates all kind of genes to interfare with the pathogens (viruses)
The Innate Immune System
The Innate Immune System reacts with pathogens (sick making agents) from outside the body. Point where they enter the body are the epithelial cells which you find in nose mouth eyes ears and other openings of the body. First point of contact with the outside are the cell walls of the epithelial cells than second contact are the non specific immuno cells called Macrophages and Neutrophils T-Cells Basofiels Eosinofiel which go around the cells like police on patrol in a neighbourhood.
This system is Non Specific
The adaptive Immune System
The adaptive immune system consists of B and T-cells. Antibodies are made by the B-cells. This system is specific and can best be compared to sharp shooters with one specific goal.
Old Knowledge of how the immune system works (Current)
Pathogen comes into the body the innate immune system gets activated. T-Cells and Macrophages attack the pathogen
Antibodies are made by the adaptive immune system. Next time when this same pathogen enters the body it gets destroyed by the antibodies.
New Knowledge of how the immune system works based on scientific research (Reality)
Pathogen enters the body than the innate immune system gets activated. In between the innate and adaptive immune system you have the Interferon system that up-regulates all kinds of genes to interfare with viruses. this system produces interferon that kills viruses. In other words the body is ready to deal with viruses and it trains itself to become stronger than before. The interferon system the innate and adaptive immune systems inter reacts with our Microbiome (60 Trillion bacteria) and Veriome (360 Trillion viruses) and Neuromuscular system.The Gut and Brain are related gut bacteria interacts with our brain the Neuromuscular system.
This means that what you eat effects your Gut bacteria this than effects your brain. So toxins getting in the digestive system ends up influencing the brain. Neuro inflamations can be caused by gut bacteria. "You are what you eat". It also means that our emotions influencess the immune system our immunity to pathogens.
Our body already has many bacteria and viruses living in it and they support our state of Good Health.
This new model of the immune system is far more complex than the old model - of only two compartment systems - which dates back to 1962.
Viruses do not kill or harm us. In case of Covid19 infection It is the overreaction of a weakened and dysfunctional immune system that starts attacking our own cells tissues and organs what kills
In this new model there are 3 "cylinders" that form our defense system.
First defense "cylinder" is the cell wall of the epithelial cells which are in contact with the outside
Second defense "cylinder" are the Macrophages and T-cells who kill and eat up the pathogens
Third defense "cylinder" are the Cytokines produced by the T- cells
When the first and second defense "cylinders don't work well and are unable to stop the virus from multiplying the third defense system starts to overreact. It produces so many cytokines that it can be called a cytokines storm to safe the body. This cytokines
storm caused by a malfunction of our own immune system is what kills cells tissues and cause all the harm and death
Key points
* Viruses do not harm or kill us
* It is the overreaction of a weakened and dysfunctional immune system to the virus that results in our own body attacking its own cells, tissues and organs leading to harm and death.
** Such a dysfunctional response is a result of an underlying Pre-existing condition.
Underlying pre-existing conditions include:
- Obesity
- Diabetics
- Heart disease
- Smoking
- Immuno compromised (lot of sugar in diet, Cancer patients being treated with immuno supressors)
Causes of underlying Pre existing conditions
* Aging
---Thyroid activity level goes down >>> Vitamin A production goes down
---Less cytokeratin >>> Cell wall gets weaker because cytokeratin is needed to build the cell wall of epithelial cells.
---HCL level in stomach goes down
---Lower gut Acidophilus bacteria
---Immuno comprimised
* High Sugar diet
---> Candida growth increases >>> Gliotoxins
---> Gliotoxins increase >>> Destroys Macrophages and T-cells of Innate and adaptive immune system
---> Innate and Adaptive Immune System adversely affected
* Lifestyle
--- Poor dietary choices
--- Lack of exercise
--- Stress
--- Lack of Sleep
--- Smoking
* Environment
--- Dirty air
--- Dirty water
--- Dirty food
+ Normal healthy individual the innate immune system will take care of pathogen.
+ Non healthy individual (adult or child) the innate immune system can not take care of the pathogen. This means that the first defense cylinder (the cell wall) and the second defence cylinder (Macrophages and T-killer cells) are not working. This causes the third defense system to overreact it starts what is called the Cytokine storm to kill the pathogen but the overload of these cytokines result in killing the epithelial cells through which the pathogen enters the body. In Ebola it is the arterial endothelial (epithelium) cells. In corona Covid19 it is the epithelium in the lungs that get destroyed because of this Cytokine storm which gives respiratory problems.
What happens when the Innate immune system is not working well ?
Than the pathogen (virus) can get through the cell wall gets into the cell and starts replicating itself by using the cell own systems. This results in many more pathogen than go out of the cell again to penetrate other epithelial cells. In a healthy individual the macrophages and T-killer cells of the innate and adaptive immune system destroys the pathogens when they come out of the cells.
The cause for the immune system to not function in a proper way can be the above mentioned pre-conditions like old age or high sugar diet or no adequate amount of acidity in the stomach or dirty air dirty water dirty food.
​​Why Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps build the Cytokeratines that create the cell wall of the epithelium cells.
Vitamin A is also needed in the functioning of Macrophages and T-cells that destroy the pathogens such as covid-19 virus.
It plays a regulatory role in the early differentiation of T-Killer cells down regulates the expression of InterFeron and upregulates the secration of IL-5 Cytokinen
Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the morphological formation of the epithelium the epithelial keratinization stratification differentiation and functional maturation of epithelial cells
As a promotor for morphology and cell differentiation enhancer vitamine A is an integral part of mucus layer of both respiratory tract and intestine.
Vitamin A promotes mucin secretion it improves the antigen Non specific immunity function of these tissues
Thyroid takes carotenoids out of food that we eat to produce vitamin A
As you age the Thyroid activities goes down resulting to a lower amount of Vitamine A in the body.
When Thyroid activity goes down than also the acidity level in the stomach becomes less. This lower acidity level decreases the number of bacteria -who love/need acid- in your digestive tract thus affecting the Microbiome. It places the Microbiome in a dysfunctional state.
This is why the old age group of people in Italy and Sweden got so much deaths
Why Vitamin D
Vitamin D you can get by getting Sunlight (UV) on your skin Egg fatty fish like Sardines Salmon
Vitamin D is extra ordinary against Microbia like viruses Fungi bacteria parasites
Vitamin D is needed to create Cathelicidins Anti Microbial Peptides (CAMP) in Macrophages, These Cathelicidins Anti Microbial Peptides have been around for billion of years. They are the oldest mechanism of action towards Microbia. We can find them in different species like Pigs Chickens Humans.
CAMP destroy Microbia by covering them completely and taking them into the Macrophage and then disrupting their wall/membrane.
When you have a dark skin you need to stay longer in the Sun because of the protective layer. When dark skin people have no sunlight on the skin they become more vulnerable to Covid19. This is what happened with the black people in the USA after the lockdown started.
Why Vitamin C
Vitamin C you can find in Amla Lemon all citric fruits.
Vitamin C is an anti oxidant
Vitamin C kills viruses stops virus replication and brings down the Cytokine storm.
Vitamin C can save Lifes of ICU patients as has been proven. Putting ICU patients on a Ventilator that pumps high pressured Oxygen into an Covid19 ICU patients lung is a Death Sentence.
Intravenous Vitamin C for Reduction of Cytokines Storm in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Alberto Boretti et al. PharmaNutrition. 2020 april 21.
The recent outbreak of Covid19 has required urgent treatments for numerous patients. No suitable vaccines or antivirals are available for Covid19. The efficiency against Covid19 of WHO therapies of choice, that are two antivirals developed for other pathologies, is controversial. Therefore, alternative approaches are required. Intravenous (IV) Vitamin C (Vit-C) has emerged as one of the other alternatives for this purpose. Here we review the effects of IV Vit-C on the immune system response, the antiviral properties of IV Vit-C, and finally the antioxidant properties of IV Vit-C to specifically address the cytokines' storm characteristic of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) that occur in the later cycle of the Covid19 infectious disease.
Keywords: Antiviral Agents; Covid19; Cytokines; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus; Vitamin C.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors received no funding and have no conflict of interest to declare.
Why eat one raw onion a day
The onion contains Vitamin C Iron Ammonia and Iodine in large quantities.
It is an invaluable stimulant for the Thyroid gland and regulates its function. It helps in the production of thyroxin and builds up a stronger defence mechanism. It can help bring down eosinophil count. It is an expectorant and thus works on the lungs to strengthen lung cells and help evacuate phlegm. It builds up cardiac muscle and strengthens the heart. It prevents varicosities and internal blood clots. It is an antiseptic against viral infection and prevents throat problems like laryngitis and pharyngitis. It also prevents and cures colds and nasal allergies and sinusitis infection of the sinuses. Onion is beneficial for those suffering frommost lung disorders especially bronchopneumonia dry cough and smokers cough
Onion helps the entire digestive tract starting from the mouth and gums. It prevents pyorrhoea (spongy gums) bleeding gums and ulcers in the mouth as well as elswhere in the digestive tract. It is an excellent cure for spastic coloni.e. constipation and diarrhoea, because it lubricates the colon wallsand facilitates proper bowel movement. So its a laxative. It also prevents and heals haemorrhoids. It also eradicates parasites from the bowels.
Onion strengthens the uterus and indirectly stimulates the production of sex hormones. Thus it is recommended in cases of absence of menses and painful menses. It is considered an aphrodisiac as it regulates the flow of male and female hormones. It can rectify amenorrhoea menorrhagia dysmenorrhoea metrorrhagia. It also increases and regulates semen count and motility.
Onion also prevents malaria.
All over the world we have about eighteen varieties of onion. All are the same. So eat any onion that comes your way. In some of them the Ammonia content may be more in some less.
Cooked onion does not have the same beneficial effects as the raw form. To obtain the best beneficial effects you must eat it Raw
Bite and eat it as you would eat and apple.
Why avoid sugar and its chemical alternatives